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Questions & AnswersCategory: QuestionsMulticurrencylizer Not Working|No support
Anel Mata asked 3 years ago


At the end of December, I've subscribed to the pro monthly version of the multicurrencylizer as in the video that you guys have on your website shows a different outcome to the product than what I got. I’ve been trying to follow the instructions on this link https://www.multilingualizer.com/product/multicurrencyalizer/. But I did not receive a file to download with the code when I subscribed to the pro version. I tried using the generated code from my account but it will not look nothing like the currency converter shown on the video of this link https://www.multilingualizer.com/product/multicurrencyalizer/. It will show as one currency only, even though I chose to have four currencies in total, and it will open a page (similar to the free version) when I click on it. 

I want my customers to be able to hover across the options and to select and have results immediately without a selection page opening every time-as shown on the video displayed on your website-. I've been very patient about all this situation even though your support service is not good, very hard to contact you guys. I tried twitter, reporting it as a bug and the only reply that I got was from Dave on Facebook who told this was an older version that was going to be implemented back on the 13th-15th of January 2021. So I waited and waited, I've been asking for updates all week and nothing. I would like a solution or a refund.



Sverre Ryland Glomnes replied 3 years ago

Same problem here…….

MS replied 3 years ago

We have exactly the same issue and really need to have this resolved. I have emailed Dave Hilditch last week, no reply yet although he does ask on his site to give him 7 days to respond. It’s been 6 days today, so we’ll see how this pans out…

1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 3 years ago

I’ve updated the config screen so pro users can now hide the popover and you can revert to this previous style of currency selector.



Note: There is also a technique for pro users to add the currency selector into a menu if you wish:


MS replied 3 years ago

Thank you, Dave, much appreciated!

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