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Questions & Answersblank space question
Natasa asked 7 years ago
Hello, Issue with BLANK SPACE between cart button and text in FR translation. It happens on some products (not all) but I wrote the text in the same way for all product descriptions. https://natachaplano.com/collections/bracelets/products/porcelain-bracelet-letters-make-your-own  (Sorry for posting the same question few seconds before but it was online before I had time to wright explanation) Thank you
1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 7 years ago

What was happening is you have a piece of text you were changing the colour for.
The Multilingualizer is careful about which text it removes – it needs to be in order to ensure it doesn’t remove images accidentally or remove blocks of HTML that have no text but are used for styling – e.g. a background colour block for some reason.
Anyway – I’ve added some code to handle your case and if you CTRL+F5 refresh now you should find it’s working.
Kind regards,

Natasa replied 7 years ago

Hello Dave,
Thank you so much! It worked 🙂
So If I understand I can continu ‘changing colors’ of text parts now?
Have a nice day

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