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Questions & AnswersCode injection buttons no longer display – Squarespace
Benjamin asked 7 years ago
Hi Dave, https://hotyogatrieste.com On every one of my blog posts I have a Facebook and Twitter SHARE button.  They are after the title text and before the main body content.  All was well until I made my most recent post and have noticed they no longer display. It's definitely due to the Multiligualizer code as I can sometime see them for a brief second as the page loads and then they disappear along with the non-visible language. I also had squarespace support create a test site and the buttons would disappear when the Multiligualizer code was injected, but they reappeared when it was removed. No matter which language I'm in they do not display. Most recent blog post is: https://hotyogatrieste.com/news/paolo-ma
Arnold replied 7 years ago

same problem with my website’s logo, showing for a brief second then disappearing. Removing multilingualizer’s code fixed it so its definitely its fault

Benjamin replied 7 years ago

Anything here? This must be down to a change as the buttons were displaying until recently.

Benjamin replied 7 years ago

Anything here? This must be down to a change as the buttons were displaying until recently.

Dave Hilditch replied 7 years ago

You still haing this issue Ben? I modified the code that cleans up spacing to only remove certain kinds of divs, so it shouldn’t be removing social buttons.

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