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Questions & AnswersForm Translations
Leah asked 8 years ago
I can't seen to get the hard coded form elements to translate. I'm working on an English/French translation so I thought the given code would do the trick. I added it to the bottom of my footer. My French form however will not translate the error messages when someone doesn't complete a required field. Am I misunderstanding the footer code?
Dave Hilditch replied 8 years ago

Hi – what’s your URL? I’ll check it’s installed correctly – I’m actually in the process of updating the extensions file, should be completed by tomorrow so if you post your URL I can make sure it works perfectly with your template too.

Leah replied 8 years ago

Sounds perfect – but my company won’t let me post the link. I could show you if there’s a way for me to get you the link and password directly.

Leah replied 8 years ago

Actually, I reckon I’ll keep it simple and just hang on for you to update it. I’m using Adirondack if that’s any use. I’m sure it’ll be fine. I only installed Multilingualizer today and it’s brilliant. Looking forward to the new extensions file. Cheers.

Leah replied 8 years ago

I’m still having no luck with the error message translations for required form fields. Can I revisit this issue please?

Santiago replied 8 years ago

Any solution found ?
Tu as trouvé une solution ?

1 Answers
answered 8 years ago

Hey Leah,
I see this is a very old post, but were you able to get your issue resolved? Do you still need any help? Let me know if so and I’ll get to it asap.

Leah replied 8 years ago


This is still an issue.


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