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Questions & AnswersJust purchased multilingualizer with 5 licences. I can only add ONE website…
Stephane asked 8 years ago
Just purchased multilingualizer with 5 licences. I can only add ONE website...
Evgeny replied 8 years ago

We have the same problem.

Stephane replied 8 years ago

Hello Evgeny,

Go to this page:

Send an email to dave. He will take care of it like he did for me. http://www.affiliatewebdesigners.com/support/

Use the support form in that page.

While you are waiting here’s the work around.

1- Go to your account.
2- change the website address
3- regenerate the code to paste.

It’s working for me on both of my websites.

Best regards

Stefan replied 8 years ago

I am curious Stephanie about point 2 – change the website address. I am not able to change my website address, the input is readonly so I can not input anything. Are you really able to change the website address?

Dave Hilditch replied 8 years ago

Hi Stefan – I’ve got a solution for this coming out next week but are you really not able to edit the current website address at the moment?

Santiago replied 8 years ago

Someone found a solution ? I have this problem and i bought a unlimited license.. so it would be great if it works
I have the same problem than stephan, I can’t change my website address.

BTW it’s pretty urgent, my customer’s website should have been put online today… Still waiting for an answer.

2 Answers
Santiago answered 8 years ago

Did you find a solution ?
I have this problem and i bought a unlimited license.. so it would be great if it works
I have the same problem than you, I can’t change my website address.

BTW it’s pretty urgent, my customer’s website should have been put online today… Still waiting for an answer.

Hero Vasil replied 8 years ago

Greetings, apologies for the delay and inconvenience. This is a known bug which is currently being worked on, we expect a fix to roll out by the end of the week. Once said fix has been implemented, I will make sure to follow up with you and provide further assistance on the matter should you need it. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

answered 7 years ago

Apologies for the long wait, Stephane. I am happy to state that this issue has now finally been fixed and you should be able to add and configure as many websites as you wish. Do not hesitate to contact us again with any further issues!

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