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Questions & AnswersMoving domains
Nicholas asked 8 years ago
I am currently working on my squarespace site and want to add the multilingualizer, though this is the temporary squarespace domain as once finished building my site I will move the site onto the real domain, taking down the old website currently on that domain.  Will the multilingualizer transfer with the site, even though I am on a one domain plan? Thanks in advance nick
1 Answers
johnite Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi Nicholas,
We have been making some changes to our support functions for customers, which has led to a delay in some responses due – some transitional issues were encountered.
All is well now we are happy to report.
With regards to transferring – yes, of course, it will transfer – just let us know via email at [email protected] the details of the domain change and we will sort it out for you.
Kind regards

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