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Questions & AnswersNot working at all in squarespace
Jessica asked 7 years ago
I copied both codes and placed both codes into the code injection header & footer... The floating language bar appeared in english and french but it does not appear in even translate to french? I am supposed to have 5 languages??? Where are the others... Is this compatible with all squarespace platforms???? HELP! Do you have an I.M. Chat feature or phone support?
johnite Staff replied 7 years ago

Hi Jessica,
Right now Multilingualizer have thousands of customers on Squarespace using our product – often there are some inherent styling issues or some glitches regarding themes that we can work around – if there is any trouble at all.
If possible email me with details of your site and I will go log in and get the product up and running
Best regards

Jessica replied 7 years ago

I WILL SEND YOU AN EMAIL NOW…What is your email? Should I just reply to [email protected]?

johnite Staff replied 7 years ago

Yes that would be great Jessica – we have recently been integrating and changing our support functions – that’s what has caused the tardy replies – sorry!

I will go on your site today and we will have it fixed for you.

Yes please send a reply to [email protected] – thank you.


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