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Questions & AnswersSHOPIFY hard code text step by step
Natasa asked 7 years ago
About the hard code in Shopify have you some explainations or are is the help only for people using Squarespace  ;) ? Please don\'t answer with the sentence (I paste down) because it is completely no help unless you explain it with \'were\' and \'how\'. Thank you! :)   If you are using Shopify, you get access (HOW?) to the underlying theme files to edit the translations  (MEANS?) and can use the Multilingualizer formatting (???) to make these pieces of text bilingual/multilingual."D'ont understand a word, sorry.
1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 7 years ago

Ok – so in Shopify there is a link on the left-hand-panel called ‘Online Store’ – click that and then click the elipses on the right hand side.
A drop down menu appears – in here, there are two places your hard coded text may be – either under ‘languages’ or under ‘Edit HTML/CSS’.
Note: Shopify requires themes to handle multiple languages, but for some reason they do not allow your users to switch language – they only allow the store owner to choose ONE language. Daft.
Anyway, whichever language you have chosen as your one language, you can edit that and use the 4-2-4 dot Multilingualizer dot notation.
There’s also the edit HTML/CSS button which may include some hard-coded text – depends on your theme.
Here’s a video I’ve made for you to demonstrate this:

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