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Questions & AnswersUnwanted space on top of text unresolved
Esra Geelmuyden asked 7 years ago
Hi,  I have unwanted space on top SOME of my text. I tried to read other's answers but I haven't been able to fix it. All the text with dots etc... have a new paragraph. (Not ctrl+enter). You can see the page here: www.duyguwellness.com The problem is when you are in the turkish pages. (The danish isn't finished yet) Some of the text boxes that need to be on the same hight, isn't. Fx. on the bottom of the turkish Homepage.
Dave Hilditch replied 7 years ago

Hi – can you confirm if it’s fixed now? We made some changes in the past 7 days to improve spacing.

Sam Addison Staff replied 7 years ago

I can see the issue there – it’s due to the line break tags forcing the empty blocks to take up space.

The following isn’t a 100% fix, but it will reduce the impact of the offending sections. Add the following style block to your site via the Squarespace code injection:

br + br {
display: none;

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