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Questions & AnswersCategory: QuestionsMulitlingualizer with Squarespace forms
Andreas Schoepf asked 3 years ago

Hi there,

is it possible to have the a button which links to 2 different pages. So that if you're on the german language version of the site and you click the button it goes to the german form, then if you have the english language selected it directs you to the english form?

Getting form results with both languages in one form is super confusing to look at, so I wanted ot see if there's any way around this.

Thanks in advance,


1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 3 years ago

You can have anchor hyperlinks inside a block of text dedicated to one language – that’s the easiest way.

If you mean a specific Squarespace button block, that’s not yet possible, but if you place the hyperlinks inside the text block then this will work. If you can provide a hyperlink showing me where you currently have a button, I can provide you with some workaround to show/hide those specific buttons.

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