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Questions & AnswersCategory: QuestionsMulticurrency still only showing 3 currencies
Sal Naidu asked 3 years ago


I just upgraded from the trial version to the pro version and recreated the code and replaced it with the new code. For some reason, on the dev site, everything looks fine, but when I look at the live site, I still only see 3 currencies for my site. For the Pro version, I selected 3 additional currencies so with my store currency, I should have 4 but when I click on the currency button, only 3 currencies display on the screen.

Also, I changed the background colour to grey to match my site on your custom tool, and the dev site shows grey, but when I check on the live site, it still shows the default blue colour.

I cleared my cache and cookies. I rebooted my pc. I also tried it on a Windows 10 machine with Google Chrome and IE because I thought my browser and my pc was too old, but I'm still getting the same result. I even asked a friend who has never used my site to try, and they get the same on their side - only 3 currencies and the default colours of Multicurrencyalizer. What am I doing wrong? Please help.

Thank you very much for the help. :)

1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 3 years ago

If you change subdomain from dev to live, you will need to visit the config page here again and update your domain to reflect the change. The config page allows you to alter your subdomain so you can create the code for your live site.

Dave Hilditch Staff replied 3 years ago

Just to note: if your original site was a squarespace dev domain, then you are also allowed to update that domain.

If you encounter issues, message me again and I’ll take a look and maybe I’ll have to manually update your domain in your config area.

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