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Questions & AnswersCategory: QuestionsAnchor links not working with extension script.
Daniel asked 8 years ago
Hi!   After I added the extension script to my site to translate the hardcoded texts, which work well, I noticed that all the anchor links stopped working. To make sure this was causing it, I removed the extension script, and the anchor links started working again. What can I do here? https://daniel-pettersson.squarespace.com/latin-audio#latinitium The site isn't public so here is the pass: quidhocest
Daniel replied 8 years ago

It seems to be the multilingualizer itself that breaks the anchorlinks. I removed all other code and, the second I removed the multilingualizer from the code injection under advanced (Squarespace), the links started working. This is a major problem. We’re supposed to go live within a week! Please advise!


Daniel replied 8 years ago

It should be added that the anchorlinks work in Editor Mode but Not when I view it in a private browser tab nor on my phone nor on my friends’ phones.

Delphine replied 8 years ago

I have the same issue… anchor links don’t work with the script

Dave Hilditch replied 8 years ago

Sorry – I’m not 100% clear on the problem here.

Dave Hilditch replied 8 years ago

FYI the password doesn’t work – can you help me understand what you mean by ‘not working’? Anchor links become unclickable? Or you click them and what?

Delphine replied 8 years ago

When I click on a link nothing happens … Mormally it should point to a specific line on the same page (the essence of An anchor link 🙂
You can clearly see this on this page http://www.harmoniecollection.com/lunivers-minral. Under each stone picture there is an anchor link

1 Answers
answered 8 years ago

Hey Delphine,
I see that this is a fairly old post, but were you able to resolve your issue? Do you still need help? Let me know if so and I’ll get to it asap.

Delphine replied 8 years ago

Hi Vas,

the problem is still there. Thx for helping me out

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