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Questions & AnswersCategory: QuestionsHard Coded Squarespace Extensions Script
Peatra asked 7 years ago
What is the translation for "imiex" into English in the following line? jQuery('.newsletter-form-field-element.field-control input[type=text]').attr('placeholder', 'imiex'); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ****
2 Answers
johnite Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi Peatra, 
We think it means subscribe or email address, looking into it to confirm for you.
Why do you ask?

Peatra replied 7 years ago

Hi John,
I ask because I am translating the script to Japanese and this was the only line I couldn’t figure out what the French was translating from.
Is “imiex” not the part that is supposed to be translated?

Thank you for your help.

johnite Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi Peatra,
I replied to your other open question thread related to the imiex word in your code.
Please send an email to [email protected] and invite us to your site. One of our developers will be in touch to help you out.
Kind regards

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