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Questions & AnswersCategory: QuestionsHow to get this to work
Jeremy asked 5 years ago
So I just got this for my Squarespace site and cannot find an easy guide on how to get this to work.   I have Indexes and folders in two different languages and a landing page to pick the language.   When you pick the language goes to the Index of that language you have it linked to but it also showes all menu items doubled in both languages.   I entered the header code it gave me and made the tro javascript links but there seems to be no good step by step from there.    Very unclear and not a coder so need some help.   I want to go to one language and only have the Navigation (folders and indexes) apear in the language selected.   No clue how to do that.   https://armadillo-beagle-lbeg.squarespace.com  this is the site  
theresa replied 5 years ago

Did you ever find out how to use this? I just got it myself and have found the help documentation lacking.

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