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Questions & AnswersCategory: QuestionsHow to translate "From" or "Back to" in Squarespace?
Martynas asked 7 years ago
Hello, I had this issue around 11 months ago which wasn't solved, therefore I would like to come back to it and finally solve it. I have squarespace website with English and Lithuanian languages. Everything works fine except few things. When I have a product and the price of it depends of the quantity customer is willing to buy, squarespace shows lowest price and before that price it ads (example) 'from 5$'. I can't translate that 'from' to Lithuanian 'nuo'. The other issue that I have, when you are in the product page and want to come back to group of products, you have an option to use 'back to...'. I can't translate that one either. I did these changes in my squarespace footer, but nothing happened.  jQuery('span').replaceText(/back to /gi, "Atgal į"); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE  ****   Please help me solve these issues.  
1 Answers
Freddy Jones answered 6 years ago

This sounds like an issue with your hard coded text. The instructions and extension file you need to solve this problem are located in the Translating the hard-coded text in Squarespace header on our support page
Thank you

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