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Questions & AnswersCategory: QuestionsImage captions (English and German)
Luke asked 7 years ago
Hi, I am trying to get my website to display image captions correctly, depending on language. Currently when you switch language to German, the caption disappears altogether.
Can you help? The website is on SSpace and image is inline with the text. http://www.alexanderhaus.org/test-translation
1 Answers
johnite Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi Luke,
there were some issues with the last upgrade related to translating and captions on videos.
All will be amended in the next update – due in the next week or two.
Thank you for your patience.
Kind regards

johnite Staff replied 7 years ago

In the meantime – if you can email support with access to the site we will log in and see if we can get you a temporary workaround đŸ™‚

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