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Questions & AnswersCategory: QuestionsJust want to show default language
kakansundberg asked 6 years ago
Hi! I'm using Multilingualizer to translate my Squarespace site to Swedish. I would love the site to just be shown in Swedish. How do I customize the code for this?


2 Answers
Freddy Jones answered 6 years ago

Hi Karin, 
This is covered under the Translating the hard-coded text in Squarespace header in on our support page 
You fill find the instructions and appropriate extension file there. 

Dave Hilditch Staff answered 6 years ago

Replace this code in the squarespace extensions file:

if (readCookie('language') != '') {
} else {
currentlanguage = 0;

Replace all above lines with this single line:

currentlanguage = 1;

Other than that, translate the text to Swedish in the hard coded extensions file/

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