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Andrea asked 3 years ago

Hi Dave,

Hope you are doing well...

I have a question. I noticed in your list that the code for Czech language is "cs". Is this what users would see on our webpage as a language option? Would you be able to change it to "cz"? This abbreviation is commonly used for the Czech language. Unless there is some technical reason why it has to be "cs"...?

Thank you in advance for your consideration and reply.

Kind regards,


PS: Great stuff you've developed, wow!

2 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 3 years ago

You can display what you like to your users, this is just a code behind the scenes to know which language to switch to.

Note: It’s theoretically possible to make up language codes – e.g. you could use the multilingualizer to switch between Klingon and English.

If this is a serious issue for you (cs rather than cz) then I can alter the code to use cz but I’d need to check and confirm I don’t break it for existing users.

MS answered 3 years ago

If it’s just behind the scenes, then it’s perfectly OK the way it is. I just was not sure… Thanks for the explanation!

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