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Questions & AnswersCategory: QuestionsLanguage specific images – images disappears?
mads2 asked 6 years ago
Hi guys, 

Really liking this product so far! Super easy to work with, but just bumped into an issue with displaying images in different languages. So I have a gallery with images inside and made [danish] captions for those which should be displayed in english and [english] and [swedish] for those which should be displayed in those languages etc. but now the whole gallery seems to disappear? So I clicked "Edit":

Clicked the gear:

And this is where I added [danish], [english] or [swedish]:
And then I hit Save, Apply and Save.

But when I view the page, nothing is there, in any of the languages:

Am I doing it wrong or something? It's pretty critical right now, because we're launching this site for the client mid-next week.

Hoping for help!

mads2 replied 6 years ago

Oh and the site link is: http://nordik-ecig.squarespace.com

1 Answers
Freddy Jones answered 6 years ago

Hi Mads,
You’re entire gallery becomes language specific when you tag any of the images with a [danish] or [english] so you need to keep tags separate.
You can find out more on our support page

Dave Hilditch replied 6 years ago

To clarify – the tags are used to decide if this gallery should be hidden. When you add [danish] to any image in your gallery, the entire gallery is hidden if the current language is not danish. When you add [english] to any image in your gallery, the entire gallery is hidden if the current language is not english. This results in the gallery being hidden all the time.

You should use 2 separate galleries, one for each language.

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