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Duri asked 7 years ago
hi how can i create a loading screen so i do not see all languages when i load a page with text? see here https://www.campellmedia.com/ueber/  
3 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 6 years ago

There is a loading screen added now by default. It is plain white by default, but you can customise it if you wish.
The white screen is removed once all translations are complete. This prevents users from seeing ….english..french…. on screen and they will only ever see their own language.

Urs Sennhauser answered 2 years ago

We have a Zoho sites page with multilingualizer (language switcher is currently hidden).

I still have the problem of the translations flashing. I don’t see a white screen or anything like that. How/where can I set this?


Urs Sennhauser answered 2 years ago

We have a Zoho sites page with multilingualizer (language switcher is currently hidden).

I still have the problem of the translations flashing. I don’t see a white screen or anything like that. How/where can I set this?


Dave Hilditch Staff replied 2 years ago

This was removed. You can re-add it manually, see this answer: https://www.multilingualizer.com/question/flashing-translations/

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