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Questions & AnswersCategory: QuestionsMenu collapsing to mobile menu in Squarespace
Simon asked 8 years ago
Hi, I replied to an earlier similar question to mine which didn't have an answer, but thought I'd ask it separately as well. In Squarespace, Hayden template, my navigation collapses to the mobile navi icon now that I've added multilingualizer.  This is because (I think) Squarespace sees the menu as being very large and collapses it before the translation occurs. Is there a known fix for this issue? Thanks, Simon
Csaba replied 7 years ago

Indeed it should occur due to the long texts. Any CSS code to force Squarespace to display the navigation menu correctly on desktop PC? It is extremely important as the language choice is one of the now hidden menu items, that is invisible first.

Nina Helene replied 7 years ago

Any response to this? Really need a solution.

2 Answers
answered 7 years ago

Hey Simon, 
I see this is a fairly old post, do you still need help regarding this? Please let me know if so.

Nina Helene replied 7 years ago

I really need help with this ! I have a similar problem. Due to the long texts in the navigation fields I can only get a burger menu showing as a menu. Please help !

Nina Helene replied 7 years ago

I really need help with this ! I have a similar problem. Due to the long texts in the navigation fields I can only get a burger menu showing as a menu. Please help !

answered 7 years ago

I really need help with this ! I have a similar problem. Due to the long texts in the navigation fields I can only get a burger menu showing as a menu. Please help !

Dave Hilditch replied 7 years ago

Should be fixed now? Deployed a fix a week or so ago.

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