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Questions & AnswersCategory: QuestionsMulticurrencyalizer not changing on sale options – Squarespace
Jheanelle Allen asked 4 years ago

I can start by saying im very happy with the free install of Multicurrencyalizer on my site, as squarespace does not provide mutli- currency which is so sad. My only problem is that once my product are on sale the Multicurrencyalizer does not change with it. Is there a code to add for sale prices?


1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 4 years ago

Yes – this was fixed in the more recent version of the Multicurrencyalizer.

There are no automatic updates with the Multicurrencyalizer, so if you want the latest version just log into your account and regenerate the code and copy/paste it back to your code injection area.

Updates included price rounding, sale prices strikethrough among other minor edits.

Make a copy of your current code injection text just in case something goes wrong before pasting in the new code.

Jheanelle Allen replied 4 years ago

it only shows the first price with the currency exchange, any other option in my list goes back to my store currency.. Reg price option list is okey, but sale price list does not change

Dave Hilditch Staff replied 3 years ago

I must be missing something here – you have products on sale here: https://www.missflawlesshair.com/bundle-deal and they are all showing with the price converted. Then if I click through to a specific product, the price is converted. Then if I choose one of the options e.g. https://www.missflawlesshair.com/bundle-deal/deep-wave- option 10 10 10 then I see a price of $237.91 CAD.

What am I missing?

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