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Questions & AnswersCategory: QuestionsMulticurrencyalizer not working on squarespace
josh stevenson asked 3 years ago

I have injected the code generated into my header, but the option to change currency is not appearing anywhere. The website is https://www.cscuffs.com/

1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 3 years ago

Hi – it looks like your code didn’t generate properly. Can you please visit your account area, configure the Multicurrencyalizer – enter http://www.cscuffs.com in the domain box, then hit SAVE to generate the code. Copy/paste that code to your script injection area.

Currently your code file is empty for some reason – normally this is because you didn’t hit the save button, or perhaps you changed the domain to something else?

It should not include https:// in the domain box, just the actual domain name.

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