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Questions & AnswersCategory: QuestionsMultilingualizer does not work anymore
Christian asked 7 years ago
This morning I checked my corporate website (Squarespace Template) and I could not see the menu bar anymore. Also all translations were shown on the front page and it was not possible to click on any sub-pages.  After removing your injection code it all worked out fine again (but without the translation)
2 Answers
johnite Staff answered 7 years ago

HI Christian,
Is this issue still ongoing – Squarespace had some problems yesterday and a few customers sent us in messages for support to later retract them as the bugs seemed to fix themselves. Squarespace did some kind of fix.

If this si still an issue and related to our code – let me know and we will get to sorting this out right away for you.

Christian replied 7 years ago

Hi John,
thanks for your answer. It is going all fine right now again. May it really were some Squarespace problems. Thank you very much for your fast response!

Best regards,


johnite Staff answered 7 years ago

Thank you Christian!

Have a nice weekend.

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