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Questions & AnswersCategory: QuestionsMultiple languages showing up in Google searches
phil1 asked 6 years ago
Is there a way to prevent multilple languages from showing up in Google/Yahoo/Bing search results? Google search result
suffian.ahmed replied 6 years ago

Dear Sir,

Same problem here… I too need solution for this one ASAP.

Waiting for your valuable reply.

Thanks in advance,

Suffian Ahmed

2 Answers
mads2 answered 6 years ago

I’d like to hear an answer on this one as well. 


Dave Hilditch Staff answered 6 years ago

Hi – Google will grab a continuous snippet from your page that represents what you searched for. If you make the text sections longer, they will be all in one language.
The other approaches to fixing this are detailed here:

How to optimise SEO with Squarespace and the Multilingualizer

mads2 replied 6 years ago

Can you tell us in more detail what you mean by making the text sections longer?

suffian.ahmed replied 6 years ago

Hi Mr. Dave,


Intelligently Answered our query, you are right if we increase our header text it will hide the full multi language text with … (dots) at the end of the page title & description. But, as per the SEO Visibility the title & description are listed below,

However (important!) Google is still truncated the descriptions for many search results. This means that the overall description is only displaying 150-160 characters total right now, for a usual 2 line snippet.


The link shows the detailed about the same.

Suffian Ahmed

Dave Hilditch replied 6 years ago

re: making text sections longer, I just mean that with the multilingualizer, you can translate line by line if you wish, or you can translate multiple blocks of text in one go. For snippets to work better, it’s better if the text is in one big block. Google needs 160 characters to pull out to use for the snippet and googlebot sees the dots etc. If it’s a long piece of text that google is using for the snippet, it’ll be in one language then.

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