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Questions & AnswersCategory: QuestionsMy Multilingualizer is not working at all
asked 7 years ago
Hi David, I followed all the steps and installed Multilingualizer but it's really not working. It worked the first day but that was all.   You can check it out here: https://www.poupadinhas.pt/products/alcofa-bolas-brancas   Please help!
Vas replied 7 years ago

Hey Rita, very sorry you are having issues with the Multilingualizer.

There can be several reasons for that, but the most common is an incorrectly placed code/dots. In order to figure out what the issue is, Dave will probably need admin access to your code so that he can have a look.

IF you do not wish to grant admin access, at the very least he will need screenshots of the code and the dots placement. Provide that and I will make sure you get an answer in the first or second (latest) work day of the week.

Kind regards!

Rita replied 7 years ago

I did everything again and it started to work. Everything is fine now.

Thank you so much for your quick answer!

Rita replied 7 years ago

Hi again. It stopped working. I really need assistance.

1 Answers
answered 7 years ago

Very happy that your issue has been resolved, Rita.
Do not hesitate to contact us again should you experience any problems.

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