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Questions & AnswersCategory: QuestionsNot translating product titles on collection pages – shopify
Elizabeth asked 7 years ago
Product titles are not translating when listed on collection pages or search listings. Translation works on product pages, nav, and coded translations. Shopify Minimal theme, mymuk.ca, rtiexa I'm also using a database made for multilingualizer 2.4 using '//' instead of '..' I tried both and full notations, but it didn't correct the problem.
Elizabeth replied 7 years ago

I re-published an untouched version of the ‘minimal’ template and the translations work perfectly fine. Very sorry, it seems my client did some modifications I was unaware of.

Elizabeth replied 7 years ago

Last time, wrong template, same issue as above but with the ‘Debut’ theme, published untouched.

Vas replied 7 years ago

Hey Elizabeth. Am I understanding correctly, your issue has been resolved? Or are you having a problem with the Debut theme?

Elizabeth replied 7 years ago

Still problems with Debut theme, titles don’t translate when listed in collections or search.

Elizabeth replied 7 years ago

the new long version in the titles will work ( ….title..title2…. ) I have a bigger database to upload, should I change my whole database, or is there a fix for this?

Elizabeth replied 7 years ago

the new long version in the titles will work ( ….title..title2…. ) I have a bigger database to upload, should I change my whole database, or is there a fix for this?

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