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Questions & AnswersCategory: QuestionsOnly one icon for language selector (hiding current language)?
lukas.bischof asked 7 years ago
Dear team,  I just bought multilingualizer for two languages (German and English) and I cannot seem to find an answer to this question: I would like to have just one button to "switch" between languages, ideally with an icon. Is it possible to show only the icon of the language not currently shown? www.lukasbischof.eu  Thanks a lot! Lukas 
Marco replied 7 years ago

We are having the same issue.

1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 6 years ago

Hi – yes it is possible. In the CSS I made, the currently selected language has an additional class called ‘active’. So, if you want to HIDE the active language, you could add this kind of CSS:

.languagewrapper .language.active {

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