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Questions & AnswersCategory: Questionsproblems with text and image on home
muriel asked 7 years ago
I have a problem with text and image on home in my second alinea. in dutch it does not show the heading and both body texts. In english everything. beside that where the english image is there is white area in dutch. I've tried move thing things around in all sorts of ways. All other content is ok. this is driving me crazy and it looks so unprofessional. if I delete the whole alinea. The problem starts with the alinea now below the one with the problem. http://www.yesweconnect.nl/?lang=nl
1 Answers
johnite Staff answered 7 years ago

HI Muriel,
All looks well on your site when i checked.
We also added the video option as previously mentioned in our email thread, I hope this is helping.

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