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Daniel asked 5 years ago
Hi, I would like to know if its possible with multilingualizer that my website appears in the default language of my user. Portuguese for portuguese people and english for rest of the world? My other question is: How is Multilingualizer different from the current Squarespace default method of creating a bi lingual website? My website is: https://www.saltflowsurf.com/
1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 4 years ago

Yes – with the Multilingualizer, the default language is the first one in sequential order.

If you have Portuguese and English set up, and you want English to be for everyone in the world you should actually make English your default language – the first one in order.

When someone visits that speaks Portuguese the Mutlilingualizer will automatically detect that from their browser settings and show them Portuguese. It will do the same for those who prefer English and then for other languages where there is no match – e.g. if a French-speaking visitor arrives, the Multilingualizer will default to your first language, i.e. in this case English.

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