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Dimitrije asked 8 years ago
Hi there, I am having trouble understanding this step of my shopify store setup " Change language AND change page Create a URL link in your menu and enter the following instead of the URL:
javascript:changeLanguageAndMove(0, '/');
This will switch to language 0 (whichever you have set as language 0) and move to your home page. or
javascript:changeLanguageAndMove(1, '/specific-page/');
This will switch to language 1 (whichever you’ve set as language 1) and move to /specific-page/ on your website."
1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 8 years ago

Hi – the instructions need updating.
A better way to achieve this since the launch of the latest version is to simply append the ?lang=fr parameter to the URL.
This will set the language for a particular page.
i.e. you don’t need to call javascript:changeLanguageAndMove() any more – just do a normal link to http://www.yourdomain.com/your-page?lang=fr (2 digit ISO code for countries) and it will have the same effect.

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