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Questions & AnswersCategory: QuestionsSite is lagging when there is parrallax scrolling!!! FIX IT PLEASE!!!
Alexis asked 8 years ago
I left a review about that and commented on others post for the same problem, still no answer. I don't understand why there is no straight way to contact the support, this is ridiculous. My costumers can't properly view my homepage since I installed this code because my text is over these images and it makes everything jerky!!!! Either fix it or I want a full refund!
Hero Vasil replied 8 years ago

Greetings, thank you for contacting customer support and apologies for the delay. A fix is being implemented in the near future to regard these issues, you can expect it later today or tomorrow. Once it has been implemented I will make sure to follow up with you and provide further information.

2 Answers
answered 8 years ago

Good day, Alexis. A fix about this issue was implemented yesterday, you should now have no issues with lag or stuttering on the website. In case you do not see an improvement, please clear your browser’s cache and restart said browser. Once that’s done, you should have no more technical issues. Please do not hesitate to contact support again with any further issues or inquiries, I will now move this question to resolved. Thank you.

Alexis replied 8 years ago

It doesn’t work on my home page. It is still very very lagging on Firefox and Safari (both OS ans iOS). Chrome seems to be the only one that works well…. But still it’s not as fluent as it should be, because when you remove the script everything is so smooth… http://www.rentbook.ca/accueil

Vas replied 8 years ago

Dave is currently having another look at it, please bear with us for a while longer and apologies for the issue. Thank you for your patience.

answered 8 years ago

Thank you for your patience, Alexis. Can you please check and see if the lag is gone now? Additional fixes have been made. Please clear your cache once more for the fixes to take effect.

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