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Questions & AnswersCategory: QuestionsSlow down during loading of webpage and sometime unable to load.
Ken asked 8 years ago
After I insert the code into the theme.liquid. I managed to get it up but the website seems to slow down a lot during loading. The website that I did was www.offshorecorpserve.com and it seems that the url need to be www.offshorecorpserve.com/# int order for it to work properly. Any problem with the code?
1 Answers
answered 8 years ago

Greetings, the problem with the slow loading should now be resolved after yesterday’s fix. If you do not see the results of the fix, please clear the cache of your browser and then restart said browser, after that you should have no issues. I will move the question to resolved now, please do not hesitate to contact us against should you have any further inquiries or problems. Thank you.

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