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Questions & AnswersCategory: QuestionsSOLVED: How to remove the ML Icon (Branding) from Squarespace?
Ramón asked 6 years ago
Those who wish to remove the ML Icon (Branding + Link) from you Squarespace website should know about this "blog" article here: https://www.multilingualizer.com/2018/04/01/multilingualizer-badge-added-and-how-to-remove-it-if-you-wish/#comment-30068   TL;DR: Solution is = add this here
Start your code here#mlbranding { display:none; }
within “Code Injection” where you already have your Multilingualizer generated code.   This will remove the ML Icon at the bottom of your pages incl. cover pages! Once you did that you can delete your "Custom CSS" entry and your set. PS: The moderators may tag this "question" here as solved.  

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