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Questions & AnswersCategory: QuestionsSquarespace Logo not showing suddenly, removing multilingualizer code(disabling multilingualizer) caused it to reappear.
Arnold asked 7 years ago
Website in question is optimuspet.org/home     I realised my logo disappeared and found these errors when I inspected using chrome so I tried removing multilinguazer and the logo reappeared:

(4) [MutationRecord, MutationRecord, MutationRecord, MutationRecord]0: MutationRecord1: MutationRecord2: MutationRecord3: MutationRecordlength: 4__proto__: Array(0)
multilingualizer.js?v=3.91:167 mutated
multilingualizer.js?v=3.91:656 runleaftranslation: 4.171875ms
multilingualizer.js?v=3.91:729 runblocktranslation: 3.47607421875ms
multilingualizer.js?v=3.91:732 runreplacebylanguagewrapper: 9.335205078125ms
multilingualizer.js?v=3.91:909 bottomreplace: 26.666015625ms
multilingualizer.js?v=3.91:148 updateLanguageText: 45.84912109375ms
Daniel replied 7 years ago

I am having the same problem.

Dave Hilditch replied 7 years ago

That was my bad – we were fixing spacing issues and on some themes, the logos got removed for a day. The ‘errors’ you’re seeing are not errors, just info being output to the javascript console. Can you confirm your logos are displaying now?

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