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Questions & AnswersCategory: QuestionsThe support from Multilingualizer is terrible, even no support at all, I may file dispute through Paypal right now, any buyer has the same issue ?
luke asked 8 years ago
The support from Multilingualizer is terrible, even no support at all, I may file dispute through Paypal right now, any buyer has the same issue ?
luke replied 8 years ago

None reply back to me.

Even I contact the support and their paypal email.

The paypal email even can’t email to, wondering this company is still running the business or not ?

Daniel replied 8 years ago

me too. long time to answer (1 month). Very bad

2 Answers
Steve answered 8 years ago

I received email support when I asked. It was not instantaneous, which I did not expect.
My problem was solved, too.
Today I upgraded to the latest version.

luke replied 8 years ago


which email you got back ? Could you share with us ?

answered 8 years ago

The support is terrible indeed. I’been waiting for a reply for almost 3 weeks now. Luckily I was able to solve the problem by my self. I’ll file a dispute through PayPal as well. The price included 12 months support which I did not get.

Dave Hilditch replied 8 years ago

Sorry about taking so long to reply to you Diego. Please check the troubleshooting guide here: https://www.multilingualizer.com/support/ as well as my answers to your questions through the Q & A system

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