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Questions & AnswersCategory: QuestionsTrouble witht the layout
Rasmus asked 7 years ago

I might be doing something wrong, but is there a specific reason why the text elements push each other around in the layout?
On English, the text will have empty space below it.
On Japanese, the  text will have empty space above it.

Any tricks or tips on how to fix this? I can´t compromise on the layout quality, so I hope you have a solution.
Rasmus replied 7 years ago

Using Squarespace by the way.

2 Answers
johnite Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi Rasmus,
It might be that when u hit enter or shift+enter to move to a nesw line that you have created some formatting issues with your text block on your page. The formatting issues are styling and little to do with multi. A fix might be to input the text again and always hit enter as opposed to shift+enter.
If this isnt what is wrong – let me know and send a link to the page and we will check it out for you.

johnite Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi Rasmus,
It might be that when u hit enter or shift+enter to move to a new line that you have created some formatting issues with your text block on your page. The formatting issues are styling and little to do with multi. A fix might be to input the text again and always hit enter as opposed to shift+enter.
If this isn’t what is wrong – let me know and send a link to the page and we will check it out for you.

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