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Questions & AnswersCategory: QuestionsUrgent : Does anybody know how to add a bilingual button WHICH reach a different page for each linguage ?
mathieugibert asked 6 years ago
Hi everyone, I ran an event company which organize team obstacle race. I need some help to figure out a button issue on my website valhallarace.com  (french and english website) The button INSCRIPTION (or BOOKING), even if it can be display in 2 languages, allows to reach a unique page, that is normal. This button reach another website (registration plateform), which has two differents home page for our event, one in french and one in english. So my question is : There is a way to display a button in the french version of my webiste which will reach the french home page of the registration plateform, and the same thing on the english version ? My question seems clear for me but if it's not, don't hesitate to notice me :-)   Thank you for your help
1 Answers
Freddy Jones answered 6 years ago

The documentation for this is due to be released very soon.
If you email [email protected] we will help guide you through this.

mathieugibert replied 6 years ago

Great I have just send you an email 🙂

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