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Questions & AnswersCategory: QuestionsUrgent! Safari stopped working with multilingualizer. Shows both english and swedish at the same time incl punctuations. Works fine on chrome and others but as of some time not in Safari. SIte www.mvg.se
Johnny asked 7 years ago
Johnny replied 7 years ago

Specifically Safari 10.1.1 not working on OSX and latest safari on my iphone.
I just checked the 10.0.3 Safari on my powerbook which is working correctly. Any ideas or remedies?

Johnny replied 7 years ago

Specifically Safari 10.1.1 not working on OSX and latest safari on my iphone.
I just checked the 10.0.3 Safari on my powerbook which is working correctly. Any ideas or remedies?

Johnny replied 7 years ago

Specifically Safari 10.1.1 not working on OSX and latest safari on my iphone.
I just checked the 10.0.3 Safari on my powerbook which is working correctly. Any ideas or remedies?

Johnny replied 7 years ago

Firefox works

Johnny replied 7 years ago

Hi All, Dave fixed this, i.e used his magic, so it is now working on my site using Safari 10.1.1 and on iphone as well. Probably there will be a more relevant comment on this by Dave. Excellent service and kind assistance as always. Much appreciated.

Johnny replied 7 years ago

Hi All, Dave fixed this, i.e used his magic, so it is now working on my site using Safari 10.1.1 and on iphone as well. Probably there will be a more relevant comment on this by Dave. Excellent service and kind assistance as always. Much appreciated.

Johnny replied 7 years ago

Hi All, Dave fixed this, i.e used his magic, so it is now working on my site using Safari 10.1.1 and on iphone as well. Probably there will be a more relevant comment on this by Dave. Excellent service and kind assistance as always. Much appreciated.

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