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Questions & AnswersCategory: QuestionsUsing the CSS language class to change logo per language
Dr. Rafael Cámara asked 5 years ago

Hi Dave, I tried it and it works on Google Chrome and Samsung Internet but it fails to work on Firefox and Microsoft Edge. Kindly have a look on www.medscoops.com. Regards Rafael

Dave Hilditch Staff replied 5 years ago

Hi – can you please elaborate?

1. Which logo am I looking at?
2. Which CSS did you use?

1 Answers
medscoops answered 5 years ago
  1. Currently, the English, French, and Spanish Logo have two snakes and a blue flag, and the German logo has one snake, an orange flag and an orange background on the left upper corner. Soon, the flags will reflect the chosen language.

  2. I first used this:

    .mllanguage1 .logo-image img {



Then this:

.mllanguage1 #headerWrapper #logo .logo-image img {



Both CSS have the same result: They work on smartphones but fail on other computers. In Microsoft Edge and Firefox, nothing happens. In Google Chrome, they works on smartphones but show no German logo at all on other computers.

Thanks for helping.

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