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Questions & AnswersCategory: Questions[v4.36] Why are newlines removed? Also text outside boundaries is ignored.
Michaël asked 2 years ago


I am working on a project, where we already use your script as follows:



The Italian language is shown correctly, but the English text is wrong. I went looking in your source code and it seems the script just ignores the set boundaries. This looks like a bug to me. When I use the '....' notation I would expect it to leave the text outside it as is.

Also there are some variables that cannot be accessed, such as 'langblockprefix' and 'langblockpostfix'. Are they in development, or

1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 2 years ago

What issue are you experiencing? We cannot just use the set boundaries because of the shortformat we also allow inside leaf nodes, e.g. english..italian

For langblockprefix, check the class added to the body element, this should help you with most customisations.

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