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Patrick asked 7 years ago
hi there, works fine except on long text pages, switching to Another language and im getting a long white space! Is there a workaround for this?
3 Answers
Best Answer
Patrick answered 7 years ago

Hi Vas, can you send me an email?
cant upload from IPhone i see!
[email protected]
than i reply with the screenshots

Patrick replied 7 years ago

A wrong email adress

[email protected]


Patrick answered 7 years ago

Thans for the hopefully fast reply 🙂

Vas replied 7 years ago

A “long white space”? Can you please provide a screenshot of the issue and a screenshot of the backend code so that we see your configuration. Thanks.

johnite Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi Patrick,
Your site has a redirect on it.

If you are putting it back online or need any help from the Multilingualizer team, let us know.


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