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cosimo asked 7 years ago
Hi. I've recently purchased and installed Multilingualizer in my Squarespace website www.archiviogiannimelotti.com. I've noticed a little problem in text formatting. I'm trying to leave an empty line between two paragraphs (as I was able to do before by hitting twice the return button on my keyboard). Since the installation of Multilingualizer,  the empty line is not displayed between the two paragraphs.  If you visit the page https://www.archiviogiannimelotti.com/bio2017/ you can see what I'm talking about. When I start to type a new paragraph, I would like to leave an empty line before it, so that the text is more readable.  Can you please provide some help? Thanks. Cosimo
1 Answers
johnite Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi Cosimo,
Formatting issues can be tricky as the Multlingualizer requires the 4-2-4 dot formation to work.

You can input the translations either on their own line or all in the one line with no spaces as illustrated below:




Could you try to input the translations each on their own line and contain the space within the block of text, wrapped with the dots on their own line above and below the blocks?

like this:

Customers buy better when they read their own language, this is why Multilingualizer is awesome – and now – with Multicurrencializer you can convert your currency display on prices with the click of a dropdown.
Use a neat drop-down set to the side of the currency unit and select from the available conversions. This cool assist automatically finds every price on your site and displays itself accordingly. All currencies converted.

Les clients achètent mieux quand ils lisent leur propre langue, c'est pourquoi Multilingualizer est génial - et maintenant - avec Multicurrencializer vous pouvez convertir votre affichage de devises sur les prix avec le clic d'un menu déroulant.

Utilisez un menu déroulant soigné sur le côté de l'unité monétaire et sélectionnez parmi les conversions disponibles. Cette aide cool trouve automatiquement chaque prix sur votre site et s'affiche en conséquence. Toutes les devises converties.

This worked for me on our demo site. And should see your line appearing, spacing the paragraphs.

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