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Questions & AnswersCategory: QuestionsSquarespace – Hayden Template: Empty banner buttons (links) from other languages are visible
Ramón asked 8 years ago
First of all - Thank you Dave for this amazing scripting work of yours! Even though it seems to have smaller errors I'm confident that these issues will be resolved by you. Basics:  I use three languages on this Squarespace site in the following order: German (0); English (1); French (2). I'm using the Hayden Template. There is no Custom CSS nor Code Injection at the moment beside the script of Multilingualizer. Link to the website: www.anydata.ch/infoportal (if you click on anything else that would result in a 404 error you'll be redirected to www.anydata.ch = Cover Page). You'll need to manually retype the first link to get back. Error description 1 of 2: In this template it's possible to add text on the banner area (see description from Squarespace). Normal text stays normal. Bold text converts into a title format. Linked text converts into buttons <- and here I have the following error in the front end: AD_Frontend_Banner_Links_Error Here's the view from the back end: AD_Backend_Banner_Links 
  • Here's what I typed in the description field for this banner:
  .... Das ist der Deutsche Text. .. This is the english text. .. Ceci est le texte français .... Infoportal .... Mehr erfahren .. Learn more .. En savoir plus .... Login (First link "to learn more" is a anchor link to the page below = #start // Second link "Login" is an external link) I see that the text from the other languages are hidden but not the button itself as you can see. I also tried different inputs: .... Mehr erfahren Login .. Learn more Login .. En savoir plus Login .... = The result is the same but you see more blue buttons per language without text next to the visible language.     Error description 2 of 2: Same issue with different type of filling the description field for this banner: AD_Frontend_Banner_Links_Error_2 AD_Backend_Banner_Links_2  
  • Here's what I typed in the description field for this banner:
.... Das ist der Deutsche Text. Infoportal Mehr erfahren Login .. This is the english text. Infoportal Learn more Login .. Ceci est le texte français Infoportal En savoir plus Login ....   So I hope you can make something out of this error description here. Would be a blast if could figure this problem out. As this element is one of the first visual impression a visitor will see - so I have to wait to till you fix this before I can make it public. Thank you Ramón
5 Answers
Ramón answered 8 years ago

Dear Var and Dave 
Please inform me about a realistic time window in which you think this issue will be resolved. 
Thank you

Vas replied 8 years ago

Ramon – apologies for the delay. Dave has been unable to look at your issue the last days due to the amount of work around last week and this one. I will personally turn his attention to this issue today and make sure you get an answer as soon as possible.

Ramón answered 8 years ago

Dear Var and Dave
As I need to go forward with this website I made for Dave this page in which he will find the documented bug above to see in live:

The reason is that I removed all the buggy buttons from the other pages as I cannot wait till Dave finds the time. Nevertheless I still counting on you guys to resolve this bug.
Thank you

Robert answered 7 years ago

 I have exactly the same issue with my bilingual Squarespace Shift template. The link buttom in the banner appears twice – once as it should and once as an empty box.
Could you please help me to solve this problem?

johnite Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi Ramon,
I had a look at the site – nice hero image on the homepage!

It all appeared to be working well when i looked, I clicked through each language and had a good look around and no errors were apparent.
If i missed something let, me know and ill fix it right away.

Ramón replied 7 years ago

Hi John

First – this issue here is marked as RESOLVED – which isn’t the case.

Second – the reason why there the test site isn’t available anymore is due the official indexing of google.

Third – the issue remains as mentioned but you don’t stumble over it because I stopped to use TWO LINKS in the banner which causes the error in the first place.

So. If you want to fix it get a Squarespace site and make sure to test it as documented in my initial post on top here.

Till I get an information from you that you actually update your code for this I can’t use TWO LINKS.


Please consider to offer business support for people like me who relay on proper support within SHORT TIME (this case here is open over 3 months). This is a serious issue regarding the amount you have to deal with errors and flaws. And that’s why I recommend you to reconsider your current support quality and resolving time. And yes – I would pay for it.

Thanks Ramón

johnite Staff replied 7 years ago

Hi Ramon – Firstly regarding your ongoing issue – let me fix that today for you – what do you need from Multilingualizer?

Secondly, we had a backlog of support issues which occurred due to an internal bug and staff transitions – It is our intention to answer all support questions efficiently and expediently.

Email [email protected] and mark the email for my attention, I will resolve this today for you.

Kind regards


Radim replied 7 years ago

Hello, I have the same problem with banner button in Hayden template. I tried to put stops inside the link name and it created 2 buttons. When I tried to put stops between two separated links, it displayed one link and one button.

johnite Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi Ramon – Firstly regarding your ongoing issue – let me fix that today for you – what do you need from Multilingualizer?
Secondly, we had a backlog of support issues which occurred due to an internal bug and staff transitions – It is our intention to answer all support questions efficiently and expediently.
Email [email protected] and mark the email for my attention, I will resolve this today for you.
On clicking on the link you provided the site looked fine and translated – have u looked at your site incognito? I ask as sometimes some of the changes made only appear if you are logged out of the sites admin area. I think this is a Squarespace bug.
Kind regards

Ramón replied 7 years ago

Hello John

Thank you for your fast response.

I have removed the second “banner” in the site because we needed to go public. I still have the error and can make it available for you – but it need to be timed between you and me.

And yes I checked the error also incognito. The bug may be a result of Squarespace, but I want to verify that. If so I have to live with it.

Kind regards

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