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Questions & AnswersCategory: QuestionsSquarespace – Hayden Template: Minor formatting error in the footer (third + last language)
Ramón asked 8 years ago
Basics:  I use three languages ( DE - 0/ EN - 1/ FR - 2 ) on this Squarespace site (Hayden Template). There is no Custom CSS nor Code Injection at the moment aside from your the script in the header. Link to the website: www.anydata.ch/infoportal (if you click on anything else that would result in a 404 error you'll be redirected to www.anydata.ch = Cover Page). You'll need to manually retype the first link to get back. Error description: (MINOR) I can add business informations in the backend under settings > general > business information. These informations (in my case our company address) will be automatically displayed in the footer. It's possible to use your script method within these fields and the result is great. But I noticed a minor formatting error when you load the version of the last language (in my case it's French). See image below: AD_Frontend_BusinessInformation_Error Here is the view from the backend: AD_Backend_BusinessInformation   I made sure there is no typing error from my side as you can see clearly in the last two entry fields (6304 Zug + Schweiz). Hope you have a clue why this happens.  Thank you Ramón
Vas replied 8 years ago

This and your other question is most likely incorrectly placed dots or wrong configuration. In order to assist you, please post screenshots of the back end code and configuration of the problematic front end areas – this will allow us to have a look and tell you what’s wrong and why is this happening. Please do the same for both of your questions and I will make sure Dave has a look as soon as possible.

Ramón replied 8 years ago

Dear Vas – I’m not sure what more I could provide regarding your request: I posted backend and frontend screenshots along with the backend code and configuration. Don’t you see the screenshots?? Thank you for answering this comment.

And I did this for both my questions – please make sure you see all the screenshots.

Vas replied 8 years ago

Oh yes, now I see them – sorry. Previously they were hidden for some reason. I’ll have Dave have a look at both issues and get back to you ASAP.

Ramón replied 8 years ago

Great to read. If you could be so kind to make Dave look FIRST to the BANNER Problem and THEN to the FORMATTING Problem – that would be great as the BANNER Problem is more important to me right know. Thank you!

1 Answers
Ramón answered 8 years ago

Dear Var and Dave 
Please inform me about a realistic time window in which you think this issue will be resolved. 
Thank you

Dave Hilditch replied 8 years ago

Hi – we’ve got a developer looking at this one now. Shouldn’t take long. Sorry about delay.

Ramón replied 7 years ago

Hi Dave

Please explain me why this issue here has been marked with RESOLVED. As you may clearly see the error is still there.

As it’s a small detail which I have to live with it. But since my post 3 months ago there is no solution. As stated in another case here – you guys have quality issue regarding your support. See: https://www.multilingualizer.com/question/squarespace-hayden-template-empty-banner-buttons-links-from-other-languages-are-visible/

You need to make an effort here. Thank you

Ramón replied 7 years ago

Hello John and Dave

Please have a look at this one here too.

Still no answer. Thank you

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