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Submitting a question

If you have checked our troubleshooting guide, and the answer is not there, someone else may already have asked the question. Use the big search box below to search and check. If the question is not in our troubleshooting section and not yet covered by this Q&A, then submit a question using the guidelines below.

When submitting a question, to make it quicker and easier for us to solve your problem please include the following:

  1. A link to a page where the problem can be seen
  2. The specific text(s) in both languages I should be searching for on the page where the problem (e.g. something not translating) is happening
  3. Screenshots with highlights are great too!

You’ll find the ‘Ask a question’ button at the bottom of this page.

Problem with injection code
ClosedDave Hilditch answered 7 years agoDavid asked 7 years ago • 
1141 views1 answers0 votes
Extra space before and after <br>
ResolvedDave Hilditch answered 7 years agoDaniel asked 7 years ago • 
1285 views1 answers0 votes
what happened?
AnsweredDave Hilditch answered 7 years agoErnesto asked 7 years ago • 
1177 views1 answers0 votes
Translator service
ResolvedDave Hilditch answered 7 years agoLeah asked 7 years ago • 
1028 views2 answers0 votes
blank space question
ResolvedDave Hilditch answered 7 years agoNatasa asked 7 years ago
761 views1 answers0 votes
April becomes Aprileeeeeeee
ClosedDave Hilditch answered 7 years agoBenjamin asked 7 years ago
1102 views1 answers0 votes
Can't translate some hard-coded words
ResolvedNatasa answered 7 years agoBenoit asked 7 years ago • 
1637 views3 answers0 votes
Squarespace PAGE CONTENT EDIT Problems
Answeredjohnite answered 7 years agoDaniel Vuilleumier asked 7 years ago • 
932 views1 answers0 votes
loading screen
ResolvedMarianna asked 7 years agoMarianna asked 7 years ago
635 views0 answers0 votes
Slow scrolling
Resolvedjohnite answered 7 years agoinfo7 asked 7 years ago
779 views1 answers0 votes
Resolvedjohnite answered 7 years agocosimo asked 7 years ago • 
1197 views1 answers0 votes
Resolvedjohnite answered 7 years agoJazz asked 7 years ago • 
1037 views1 answers0 votes
Webflow Input Placeholder
ResolvedSam Addison answered 7 years agoAndrew asked 7 years ago • 
1460 views2 answers0 votes
Blank space in english version
Resolvedjohnite answered 7 years agoCarla asked 7 years ago • 
1046 views1 answers0 votes
resizing floating language selector font and container…
Resolvedjohnite answered 7 years agoShea asked 7 years ago • 
1326 views1 answers0 votes
Hard Coded Squarespace Extensions Script
Closedjohnite answered 7 years agoPeatra asked 7 years ago • 
1143 views2 answers0 votes
Japanese Quotation Marks
Resolvedjohnite answered 7 years agoPeatra asked 7 years ago • 
1579 views2 answers0 votes

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