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Questions & Answers

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Submitting a question

If you have checked our troubleshooting guide, and the answer is not there, someone else may already have asked the question. Use the big search box below to search and check. If the question is not in our troubleshooting section and not yet covered by this Q&A, then submit a question using the guidelines below.

When submitting a question, to make it quicker and easier for us to solve your problem please include the following:

  1. A link to a page where the problem can be seen
  2. The specific text(s) in both languages I should be searching for on the page where the problem (e.g. something not translating) is happening
  3. Screenshots with highlights are great too!

You’ll find the ‘Ask a question’ button at the bottom of this page.

Questions & AnswersAuthor "akna-marquez"
Is there an option to identify if the language is traditional Chinese or simplified Chinese?
Answered answered 7 years agoTiarni asked 7 years ago • 
811 views1 answers0 votes
About hard-coded text extension script not working
Answeredjohnite answered 7 years agoTrygve asked 7 years ago • 
937 views1 answers0 votes
Page Titles not Translating in Squarespace – Montauk Template
Answeredjohnite answered 7 years agoNikolas asked 7 years ago • 
1170 views1 answers0 votes
Solving issues
Closed answered 7 years agoAkna asked 7 years ago • 
986 views1 answers0 votes
Main drop-down menus not working – HELP!!
AnsweredDave Hilditch answered 7 years agoMichelle asked 7 years ago • 
1601 views1 answers0 votes
my website is build by Magento, Is there tutor available to guide set up?
Resolved answered 7 years agoGuojian asked 7 years ago • 
848 views1 answers0 votes
Squarespace – Hayden Template: Minor formatting error in the footer (third + last language)
OpenRamón answered 7 years agoRamón asked 7 years ago • 
1179 views1 answers0 votes
My Multilingualizer is not working at all
Closed answered 7 years ago asked 7 years ago • 
949 views1 answers0 votes
Loading problem in Squarespace, burger showing and not responding
ClosedPierre-Alexandre asked 7 years agoPierre-Alexandre asked 7 years ago • 
895 views0 answers0 votes
Not translating product titles on collection pages – shopify
ClosedElizabeth asked 7 years agoElizabeth asked 7 years ago • 
1746 views0 answers0 votes
Sub menu not display when translate
Resolved answered 7 years agoDaniel asked 8 years ago
954 views2 answers0 votes
Navigation collapses to mobile navigation icon
Resolved answered 7 years agoAndrew asked 8 years ago • 
967 views1 answers1 votes
Form Translations
Answered answered 7 years agoLeah asked 8 years ago
1308 views1 answers0 votes
Anchor links not working with extension script.
Answered answered 7 years agoDaniel asked 8 years ago • 
1526 views1 answers0 votes
Contact form auto translate
Resolved answered 7 years ago asked 8 years ago • 
1274 views1 answers0 votes
Shopify twitter feed not showing and site very slow
Resolved answered 7 years agoNuno asked 8 years ago • 
1096 views1 answers0 votes
floating language selector not bold
Answered answered 7 years agoHadrien asked 8 years ago • 
967 views1 answers0 votes
Links in Squarespace Twitter Block not displaying correctly
Answered answered 7 years agoMorgan asked 8 years ago • 
1472 views1 answers0 votes
Blog display problem on mobile view (Squarespace Haute template)
Resolved answered 7 years agoRomain asked 8 years ago • 
1149 views1 answers0 votes
Get active language method
Resolved answered 7 years agoStefan asked 8 years ago • 
1100 views1 answers2 votes

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