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Submitting a question

If you have checked our troubleshooting guide, and the answer is not there, someone else may already have asked the question. Use the big search box below to search and check. If the question is not in our troubleshooting section and not yet covered by this Q&A, then submit a question using the guidelines below.

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  1. A link to a page where the problem can be seen
  2. The specific text(s) in both languages I should be searching for on the page where the problem (e.g. something not translating) is happening
  3. Screenshots with highlights are great too!

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Questions & AnswersCategory: Questions
resizing floating language selector font and container…
Resolvedjohnite answered 7 years agoShea asked 7 years ago • 
1327 views1 answers0 votes
Japanese Quotation Marks
Resolvedjohnite answered 7 years agoPeatra asked 7 years ago • 
1579 views2 answers0 votes
Multilingualizer and webflow
Resolvedjohnite answered 7 years agoOthon asked 7 years ago • 
1340 views2 answers0 votes
Display active language
Resolvedjohnite answered 7 years agoAndrew asked 7 years ago • 
822 views1 answers0 votes
My multilingualizer works perfectly well on Chrome and Safari , but it does not on Explorer.
Resolvedjohnite answered 7 years agoJules asked 8 years ago • 
1032 views2 answers0 votes
Can I choose not to show the translated text until I have translated the whole website?
Resolvedjohnite answered 7 years agoTiarni asked 7 years ago • 
982 views1 answers0 votes
Multilingualizer does not work anymore
Resolvedjohnite answered 7 years agoChristian asked 7 years ago • 
934 views2 answers0 votes
Squarespace Hayden Template – Index Pages Not Working – Only The 1st One Displays
ResolvedAllie asked 7 years agoAllie asked 7 years ago • 
1753 views0 answers0 votes
Squarespace Menu Content Block doesn't translate anymore
Resolvedjohnite answered 7 years agoMathias asked 7 years ago • 
1084 views1 answers0 votes
Problem with injection code
Resolvedjohnite answered 7 years ago asked 7 years ago • 
912 views1 answers0 votes
Double click
Resolvedjohnite answered 7 years agoalain asked 7 years ago • 
913 views2 answers0 votes
Trouble witht the layout
Resolvedjohnite answered 7 years agoRasmus asked 7 years ago • 
982 views2 answers0 votes
Text in Markdown box in squarespace not translating
ResolvedTiarni asked 7 years agoTiarni asked 7 years ago • 
945 views0 answers0 votes
Using the installation service
Resolvedjohnite answered 7 years agoPhil asked 7 years ago • 
1002 views2 answers0 votes
Links in Squarespace not displaying correctly
Resolvedjohnite answered 7 years agoLance asked 8 years ago • 
927 views1 answers0 votes
Problem with multiple languages in button states
Resolvedjohnite answered 7 years agoELEONORA asked 8 years ago • 
1345 views4 answers0 votes
White Space
Resolvedjohnite answered 7 years agoPatrick asked 7 years ago • 
1258 views3 answers0 votes
Hamburger menu showing instead of the standard menu
Resolvedjohnite answered 7 years agoJakub asked 7 years ago • 
1091 views1 answers0 votes
plugin not working
Resolvedjohnite answered 7 years agoGuojian asked 7 years ago • 
1172 views4 answers0 votes

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